Friday, February 25, 2011

Tracey Discovers Trudee

1979 Mark's cabin house thing in Tallmadge.  The band which is now officially The Vapors is rehearsing, hanging out.  I remember at one point we take a break and talk about our first "gig" (I always hated that word but it is what it is).  A really popular band, The Bizzaros, have taken an interest in us.  Lead singer and producer Nick Nicholas asked us to open for them and we have agreed.  Knowing there is a buzz about us we put in a lot of hours rehearsing and developing some sort of stage presence.  The only other band with female members in Akron at the time, was Chi Pig.  Chi Pig was a trio, fantastic musicians, friends with all the right people and highly respected.  The band was led by Debbie Smith and Sue Schmidt with drummer Rich Roberts.  I was curious to see them, and when I did I was completely blown away, they were flashy, unique and fantastic.  For some reason there was no spirit of competition between band members back in the "Akron Scene Days" everyone was pretty supportive of one another. People soon began talking about another band that was up and coming, another "buzz" band called Trudee and The Trendsetters.  My first thought was, wow, there's another female front band coming out!  It's probably hard to imagine now but in 1979 there were not a lot of female's in bands, it was a guys world and I was really feeling my uniqueness in the situation.  I will admit the thought of this "Trudee" chick bothered me, I liked it the way it was...Chi Pig and Tracey from The Vapors (though now I wonder how much Debbie and Sue liked my frizzy blonde ass coming along I shall ask them because we are still in contact to this day).  We (The Vapors which by now was kind of an exclusive club) decided to go check out Trudee and The Trendsetters, they were playing The Bank, and one night after rehearsal we went down to see them.  Well...let me tell you it was weird.  Andrea came with us or we met the guys seperately, I don't remember but I was with Andrea when I arrived, I definitely remember that.  Not only was Trudee (so) NOT a girl, Trudee was probably the most beautiful man I had ever seen.  Jim Morrison with blonde hair, big attitude and stage presence.  The only competition here was going to be between the girls in the crowd.  Andrea looked me straight in the eyes (and as she sometimes did because she got "vibes" about stuff) she said "You are going to marry him".  I said...OK and we danced.

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